我们的教会位于Perth Curtin University 附近,是一个专注于学生事工及移民事工的教会。我们有中文及英文的崇拜与聚会。若各位弟兄姐妹欲到Perth 求学 (Canning College, Murdoch College, Curtin University,Murdoch University,University of Western Australia, Edith Cowen University, Curtin International College, Taylor College, Tafe 等) 或者 移民到 Perth 这个地方,请联络我们的教会。 我们希望在神的国度里与弟兄姐妹团契,并一同事奉我们的神。
Hi all brothers and sisters, I would like to introduce our church to you, Immanuel Methodist Church Perth.
Our church is located at Manning, a suburb that close to Curtin University of Technology, Bentley. We would like to invite you to join our fellowship and Sunday services. We have youth fellowship, young adult fellowship, cell groups, adult fellowship, sunday school and sunday services. Hope to see you guys soon in our church.
地址: 33 Cloister Avenue, Manning,
WA 6152, Australia
网址: 教会 - www.imc-cmca.org.au 团契 - 中文: imccyf.blogspot.com
英文: imcyf.blogspot.com
联络方式: 团契 - imccyf@gmail.com
丁华镇牧师 - dingwajen@gmail.com 官百全牧师 - pastor_imc@hotmail.com |