和大家分享最近我看到的一部记录片,本人是很少看电视,昨晚看animal planet 的 undiscovered Indonesia, Polar bear-Peace,看了有感动到。
过后我一直在网上寻找这部Polar bear-Peace, 无奈找不到animal planet那个版本。
I just saw a documentary in the tv "Animal's Planet". It was about a baby polar bear, her name was "eace". She was an abandoned baby. So the 1st day of her life she has been handraised by the zookeeper "H".
H brought her home everyday and take care of her as if she was his own baby. He has taken the job of Peace's mummy. Peace was SOOO noisy, and so naughty. But.. she was SOOOO cute. H brings Peace jogging and play with her all the time. In the midnight, H woke up every 3 hours just to feed her milk while the period she wasn't gaining weight. And searched for the best diet for Peace.
And on the 110 days. H decided to leave her in the zoo for overnight. Because Peace can't stay in his house as she's growing fast and she need to use to the night in zoo that she was going to spent rest of her life there. The first night, Peace cried til she lost her voice. H could do nothing for that.
Day by day, Peace getting lesser nights that she cried herself to sleep. And soon another challege for H was, Peace have to learn to swim as summer was about to come. Peace must learn to swim to keep herself cool. For days, Peace struggled, H threw her down to water with the special bait in his hand that Peace loved so much, M.I.L.K - MILK! Peace bited H once during the swimming lesson. H slapped her, sounded her and stare into her eyes. Peace realized that she did something wrong and hurted H. She kept quiet and sit in the water. (the pool was very shallow)
And after weeks, finally Peace paddled well and swim in the pool which the water level was over polarhead. (i mean overhead). Cool!~
Years gone by, Peace growing fatter and fatter, and she is now 5 yrs old and she over 200 over pounds, she's now taller than H alot.
During these 5 yrs, H take care of her everyday and there are ups and down... countless challenges, happened between H and Peace, even H's family. Every year they celebrate Peace's birthday with her. H's wife, and his 2 kids.
The love between H and Peace were so great. But what grabbed me most was when H said, Peace was growing and gaining weight all these years, she did change alot. But what didn't change was her eyes. H could read her through her eyes, he knows if she's relax, intimidated, happy, sad and how she feel. And i think that's very true.
I once heard of a quote, "Eye's are the window to a soul." And I think not only for human, but any living creatures with "eyes'. http://mikegegao.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!c81ab2d298808e44!2299.entry
今天看了一部我自己认为非常非常好看的片子叫The handraised polar bear- Peace 是讲述一只在日本动物园出生后被母亲遗弃得小北极熊Peace,被饲养员Takaichi人工饲养长大的故事,有点像那部导盲犬小Q,但是没有小Q怎么强的故事性和完整性。它是一部纯叙述性的纪录片,但是那只小熊实在太可爱了,不知道是否有人可以想象出来在一间100多平米左右的家里住着一只不到100天大的小北极熊是一个什么情景,她的大小就和在玩具店能买到的大号玩具熊一模一样,但是是活的!!眼睛黑黑的,浑身雪白,脖子上还套着一个大红的颈圈,嘴里发出咕噜咕噜的声音,东跑跑西跑跑的。那位叫Takaichi的饲养员和他的家人一起从Peace一生下来就开始细心周到地照顾着这只小北极熊,头几天都要24小时的照顾,Peace在他的家里一共生活了107天!给她喂奶,教她学步,教她游泳,给她看病........最后他还是决定让她回到动物园去和其他动物一样的圈养生活,回到笼子的当天晚上Peace在那里哭叫了整整一夜,但是这也是无法选择的结果,因为她越长越大,已经不能像她小的时候一样,脖子上套着一个大红的项圈跟着她的人类妈妈Takaichi在周围的马路散步了。
影片中有无数感人至深的场面,Peace后来一直在动物园里生活了5年(到影片结束时还在继续),但是Takaichi 的一家还是会每年给Peace过一次生日,还依然用着Peace原来玩坏的凉席,他们用这种特殊的方式来表达他们对这个现在已经超过300磅重的庞然大物的感情。Peace在住进动物园后两年动物园考虑到安全因素决定不再让Takaichi直接进入笼子和Peace直接接触了,但是他还是会每天在动物园里隔着笼子见到Peace他们之间互相对视的场面让我无法控制我自己的情绪,打动这个词可能无法完全表达出这种感觉吧(至少我觉得)。