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我朋友在6/3/2006飞上海坐马航MH386 1.30am班机,刚刚马航打电话来说,
是写SOLD OUT而不是cancell,
如是的话,我朋友改如何做?谢谢帮忙! |
楼主 |
发表于 26-2-2009 04:58 PM
马航已经是叫朋友坐下班机了,我有此一问,是怕马航玩臭,没cancell说cancell,如果是真cancell,那马航的生意真是惨淡,要统统坐一个航班save cost。 |
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发表于 26-2-2009 10:54 PM
我上网查那班机也是写sold out的,可能那么早写取消人家看到都怕,也太难看,唯有写sold out好看一点,那么说现在大家订马航机票都很大机会会取消,小心。 |
发表于 27-2-2009 02:27 AM
虽然说这情况是很正常,但是如果你们不满意这样的安排,可以尝试投诉,说不定马航会给你一些voucher当作赔偿 |
发表于 28-2-2009 03:13 PM
除了马航, 新航也已经CANCEL很多航班了, 经济不好, 搭客量少了 |
发表于 1-3-2009 04:17 PM
看看 AA 超早就 做 promo 了 。。。。你说经济好不好呢 。。。
还好是 提早 说 。。不是 当天 才说 ~~
遇过 到了机场 才通知 delay 。。。delay 到 下班机 ~~ 呵呵 更厉害是
MAS 过后那晚 的 AA机 全部 cancelled 。。。真 可怜那些 AA 的 要买 贵票
那晚 最后一班 只有 MAS 飞 |
发表于 10-3-2009 03:34 PM
发表于 21-3-2009 09:36 PM
发表于 21-3-2009 11:56 PM
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发表于 23-3-2009 10:46 AM
发表于 23-3-2009 05:01 PM
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发表于 23-3-2009 10:06 PM
我朋友是叫他们fax来一张confirmation list,不然到时去到机场说没位就够力 |
发表于 24-3-2009 06:29 PM
发表于 27-3-2009 08:21 AM
我在email写去马航投诉, 这是我的e-mail
I book 2 flight ticket from Kuala Lumpur to Hong Kong on xx of april 2009, departing from KLIA 9.15am. Unfortunately, MH send me a sms informe me that they have change my flight schedule to 6.45pm on the same day. The reason being given by the officer is due to the problems occur on the operation of the flight. I am very disappointed with the reason being given to me because i've plan my holiday schedule properly to Hong Kong according to the flight schedule, suddenly MH inform me that they change my flight time, this cause me lost one day trip at Hong Kong which i've already paid for the tour. Really disapponted with the reason being give by MH
Dear Mr x,
Thank you for reaching out to Malaysia Airlines.
We apologise for the cancellation of our flight. As part of our ongoing effort to respond and adapt to the current global changes affecting the industry, we are taking steps to consolidate and realign our schedules and operations. This is a phenomenal exercise done by most airlines around the world. While we take every effort to minimise the inconvenience this may cause our customers, there are circumstances that we are constrained with. Nevertheless, we apologise for the flight cancellation and that this had somehow affected your plans.
Malaysia Airlines, like other international carriers, undertake our best efforts to carry passengers and baggage with reasonable dispatch. The times shown in timetable or elsewhere are not guaranteed. Malaysia Airlines may, without notice, substitute alternate carrier or aircraft, and may alter or omit stopping places shown on the ticket in case of necessity. Schedules are subject to change without notice and Carrier assumes no responsibility for making connections. This information is indicated under Clause 9 of our Conditions of Contract on page 2 of each passenger's ticket.
While I fully realize that any explanation will not compensate for the inconvenience and loss of time, I sincerely hope it explained our position in this matter.
Mr Chan, on behalf on Malaysia Airlines, our sincere apologise for the experience and inconvenience. We would like to assure you that the Malaysia Airlines is committed to providing excellent service but when circumstance restrict us, we do our best given the situation.
Yours sincerely
for Malaysia Airlines,
Putriati Md Saril
Customer Response
无言 |
楼主 |
发表于 27-3-2009 11:01 PM
废话一囖囖 ,有讲等于没讲。 |
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