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韵母 Finals
音节 Syllables
声调 Tones
(1)第一声 The first tone高平调,用声调符号“-”表示,如mā。
The High and level Tone shown by "-",
(2)第二声 The second tone 升调,用声调符号“ˊ”表示,如má。
The Rising Tone shown by"ˊ"
(3)第三声 The third tone 降升调,用声调符号“ˇ”表示,如mǎ。
The Falling-and-Rising Tone shown by "ˇ"
(4)第四声 The fourth tone 降调,用声调符号“ˋ”表示,如mà。
The Falling Tone shown by "ˋ"
[ 本帖最后由 若凡~* 于 23-10-2006 02:20 PM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:23 PM
a The mouth is wide open. The tongue is flat and at its lowest position. The lips are not rounded.
o The mouth is half open. The tongue is flat and at its lowest position. The lips are not rounded
The opening of the mouth and the position of the tongue are identical with that for "o", but the lips are not rounded. It can be produced by pronouncing "O" and then spreading the lips towards the two sides.
(4)i 口微开,舌位高,偏前,舌尖自然抵住下齿,嘴角向两边展开,双唇呈扁平形。
The opening of the mouth is narrow. The tongue raised and pushed forward towards the position naturally against the lower teeth. the lips spread to the two sides into a flat position.
(5)u 口微开,舌后缩,舌面后部上升接近软腭,双唇紧缩呈圆形,只留一个小孔。
The opening of the mouth is narrow. The tongue is held back with its back raised close to the soft palate. The lips are forced into a harrow and round position with only a small opening left.
6)ü 舌位与i相同,但双唇尽量收缩呈圆形。
It is pronounced with the tongue in position for i, but the lips are forced into a round position |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:23 PM
声母 Initials
b 双唇不送气清塞音。双唇紧闭,阴住气流,然后松开双唇放出气流。声带不振动。
An unaspirated voiceless plosive sound. It is pronounced by keeping the lips tightly closed to block the air ,but then opening them to let the air out. The vocal cords do not vibrate.
p 双唇送气清塞音。发音部位与b相同,但要使气流猛地从口中冲出。声带不振动。是与b相对应的送气音。
An unaspirated voiceless plosive sound. It is pronounced in position for "b", but explodes with a strong puff of air . The vocal cords do not vibrate . It is a corresponding sound to "b " but an aspirated one.
m 双唇浊鼻。双唇紧闭,软腭下垂,让气流从鼻腔出来。声带振动。
An unaspirated bilabial nasal. It is pronounced by keeping the lips tightly closed and the soft palate dropped to force the air out through the nose. The vocal cords vibrate.
f 唇齿清擦音。下唇和上齿接触,形成一条狭缝,气流从狭缝中磨擦而出。声带不振动。
An aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive . It is pronoumced by raising the tongne tip against the upper teethridge to block the air and then putting it down to release the air . The vocal cords do not vibrate. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:24 PM
d 舌尖不送气清塞音。舌尖顶住上齿龈,阴住气流,然后移下舌尖,放出气流。声带不振动。
An unaspirated voiceless alveolar plosive. It is pronounced by raising the tongne tip against the upper teethridge to block the air and then putting it down to release the air. The vocal cords do not vibrate . |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:24 PM
t 舌尖不送气清塞音。发音部位与d相同,但要使气流猛地从口中冲出。声带不振动。是与d相对的送气音。
An aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive. It is pronounced in position for "d", but explodes with a strong puff of air. It is an aspirated equivalent of "d". |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:24 PM
n 舌尖浊鼻音。舌尖位置比"η"稍后,使气流从舌前部两边出来。声带振动。
An voiced alveolar nasal. It is produced by raising the tongue tip against the upper teethridge and dropping the soft palate to allow the air to run out through the nose. The vocal cords vibrate.
A voiced alveolar lateral. It is pronounced with the tongue tip a little behind the position for "n" to allow the air to run out from both sides of the blade. The vocal coords vibrate. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:25 PM
l 舌尖浊边音。舌尖位置比n稍后。使气流从舌前部两边出来。声带振动。
A voiced alveolar lateral. It is pronounced with the tongue tip a little behind the position for "n" to allow the air to run out from bothsides of the blade. The vocal cords vibrate |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:25 PM
g 舌根不送气清塞音。舌根顶住软腭,阴住气流,然后移下舌根放出气流。声带不振动。
An unaspirated voiceless velar plosive. It is pronounced by raising the back of the tongue against the soft palate to block the air, and then putting it down to release the air. The vocal cords do not vibrate .
k 舌根送气清塞音。发音部位与g相同,但要使气流猛地从口中冲出。声带不振动。是与g 相对应的送气音。
An aspirated voiceless velar plosive. It is pronounced with the mouth in position for "g" , but explodes with a strong puff of air. The vocal cords do not vibrate.It is an aspirated equivalent of "g".
h 舌根清擦音。舌根隆起,接近软腭,形成一狭狭缝,气流从狭缝中磨擦而出。声带不振动。
A voiceless velar fricative. It is pronounced by raising the back of the tongue to the soft palate to make a narrow passage for the air to be expelled with friction. The vocalcords do not vibrate. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:25 PM
j 舌面不送气清擦音。舌尖抵下齿背,舌面前部贴住硬腭,阻住气流,然后移下舌面放出气流。声带不振动。
This is an unaspirated voiceless palatal affricate. This sound is pronounced by first putting the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth and blocking the air with its front part against the hard palate, and the dropping to release the air. The vocal cords do not vibrate. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:25 PM
q 舌面送气清塞擦音。舌面靠近硬腭,形成一条狭缝,流从狭缝中磨擦而出。
An aspirted voiceless palatal affricate. It is an aspirated equivalent of "j".
x 知面轻擦音。舌面靠近硬腭,形成一条狭缝,气流从狭缝中磨擦而出。
A voiceless palatal fricative. It is pronounced by raising the tongue close to the hard palate to expell the air with friction through the narrow passage. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:26 PM
z 舌尖前不送气塞擦音。舌尖向前平伸,顶住上齿背,阻住气流,然后下移舌尖,使气流从狭缝中磨擦而出。声带不振动。
An unaspirated voiceless bladealvolar-affricate. It is pronounced by putting forward the tongue to block the air with its tip against the upper teeth ridge, and then dropping the tip to release the air with friction through the narrow passage. The vocal cords do not vibrate.
[i]舌尖前元音,不圆唇。只出现在辅音z c s后边。 |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:26 PM
c 舌尖前送气塞擦音。是与z相对应的关气音。
An aspiratded blade-alveolar affricate. It is an aspirated equivalent of [z].
[i]舌尖前元音,不圆唇。只出现在辅音z c s 后边。
It is a blade vowel without the lips rounded. It ony follows the consonants "z", "c" or "s". |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:26 PM
s 舌尖前清擦音。舌尖平伸接近上齿背,形成一条狭缝,气流从狭缝中磨擦而出。
A voiceless blade-alveolar fricative. It is produced by putting forward the tongue tip to a position close to the upper teeth ridge to make a narrow passage for the air to run out through with friction.
[i] 舌尖前元音,不圆唇。只出现在辅音z c s后边。
It is a blade vowel without the lips rounded. It ony follows the consonants "z", "c" or "s". |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:27 PM
zh 舌尖后不送气清塞擦音。舌尖向上翘起,顶住硬腭前部,阻住气流,然后使气流从舌尖与腭间的狭缝中摩擦而出。声带不振动。
An unaspirated voiceless blade-palatal affricate. It is pronounced by turning up the tongue tip against the front part of the hard palate to block the air and then releasing it through the narrowing of the air passage between the tongue tip and the hard palate. The vocal cords do not vibrate.
[i] 舌尖后元音,不圆唇。只出现在辅音zh ch sh r 后边。可先发r ,舌位不变,延长后不带擦音的部分就是[i]音。
A blade-palatal vowel without the lips rounded. It only follows these consonants like zh, ch, sh and r. It can be produced by first pronouncing r without moving the tongue and then keeping the sound there. The part without audible friction is [i]. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:27 PM
ch 舌尖后送气清塞音。发音部位与zh 相同,但要尽量使气流从狭缝中冲出。声带不振动。是与zh 相对应的送气音。
An aspirated voiceless blade-palatal affricate. It is pronounced in position of "zh", but the air should be forced out through the narrow passage. The vocal cords do not vibrate. It is an aspirated equivalent of "zh". |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:28 PM
sh 舌尖后清塞擦音。舌尖向上翘起,接近硬腭,形成一条狭缝使气流摩擦而出。声带不振动。
A voiceless blade-palatal fricative. It is pronounced by turning up the tongue tip close to the hard palate to make a narrow passage through which the air escapes with friction. The vocal cords do not vibrate. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:28 PM
r 舌尖后浊擦音。发音部位与sh 相同,但摩擦力软轻,声带振动。
A voiced blade-palatal fricative. It is pronunced in position for "sh" ,but the friction is soft. The vocal cords vibrate |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:28 PM
y 在汉语拼音中是一个比较特殊的符号,它不能独立构成音节。它有时代表i ,有时代表ü。一般总在某些自成音节的拼音组合中出现。
如元音i 和ü 都只是一个拼音字母在它们自成音节时,前面都要加上y 变成[yi],[yu] (ü上面的两点要去掉)[ia]、[ie]、[ian]等复韵母自成音节时应写成y,即[ya],[ye],[yan]
y在代表ü时,与y 代表i 时不同,在ü的前面加上y ,同时去掉两点,而不是将ü换成y。
y is special sign in Chinese Pin-Yin, it can't form syllable alone. It sometimes expresses I and ü. In general, it always appears in some Pin-Yin joinder form of standing as a syllable alone.
Exalple: The vowelü and I are all only one Pin-Yin characted. When standing as a syllable as a syllable alone, they should be added y before them. Their forms are [yi],[yu] (erase two dot upon ü).
When [ia], [ie],[ian] etc. Compound finals forms syllable alone, I should be written y ,so their forms are [ya], [ye], [yan].
[iu] is a special compound final, when it forms syllables alone, is written as [you].
When y express ü, different from y express I, should add y before ü, meantime erase two dot rather than replace y. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:28 PM
w和y 一样也是特殊符号,不能独立构成音节。它只代表u,也只在某些自成音节的拼音组合中出现。元音u 在汉语中只能作为一个拼音字母,在它逢成音节时,前面要加w。变成[wu]在[ua]、[uai]、[uo]等复韵母自成音节时,u要变成w 写作[wa],[wai],[wo]。
Same as y, w also special sign, can't form syllable alone. It only expresses u, and appears in some Pin-Yin joinder of standing as a alones. The vowel u can only become one Pin-Yin character in Chinese, when it forms syllable alone should add w before it, becomes [wu]. When [ua],[uai],[uo] etc. Compound vowles form syllable alone, chang u to w, are writted as [wa],[wai],[wo]. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-5-2006 02:29 PM
[ai],[ei],[ui] are all compound finals. In each of them, the former vowel is more open, longer and louder while the latter one is narrow, short, weak and blurred. It is imperative to havea natural glide but not a sudden change from the former to the latter. |
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