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[急]Assignment 不会做!!!

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发表于 6-4-2006 12:10 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


[ 本帖最后由 郑汉宾 于 6-4-2006 12:15 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报


发表于 6-4-2006 02:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 郑汉宾 于 6-4-2006 12:10 PM 发表

这个Assignme ...


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2006 02:37 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 6-4-2006 03:20 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2006 05:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
import java.util.*;

public class Task implements Comparable{
         *  An exception class thrown when an error is detected in the data or
         *  method calls for the Task class.
    public class TaskException extends RuntimeException{
              public TaskException(String s){
     * The string name for the class. The name will be used to uniquely identify
     * classes in the precedence network.
    private String id;
     * The duration of the task.  Must be greater than or equal to zero.
    private int    duration;
     * The earliest start time for the task
    private int    earliestStart;
     * The earliest finish time for the task. This value
     * should be (earliestStart + duration).
    private int    earliestFinish;
     * The latest start time for the task. This value must
     * be greater than or equal to the earliestStart time, and
     * equal to the (latestFinish - duration).
    private int    latestStart;
     * The latest finish time for the task.  This value must be greater
     * than or equal to the earliestFinish time,  and must equal the
     * (latestFinish + duration).
    private int    latestFinish;
     * The float associated with the task.  Greater than or equal to zero.
     * Should be equal to both (latestStart - earliestStart) and
     * (latestFinish - earliestFinish).
    private int    taskFloat;
         * The set of predecessor tasks for this task.
         * Can be empty.
    private Set    from;
     * The set of successor nodes for this task.
     * Can be empty.
    private Set    to;
     *  This method is required for the Task class to implement the
     *  Comparable interface.
     *  <p>Compares this Task with another object (that must also be a Task)
     *  by comparing the id values for each task.
     *  <p>Will throw an exception if
    public int compareTo(Object t){
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

         *        A Task constructor.
         *  <p>This constructor is given the task name and duration, and
         *  initialises the earliest start, latest start and float to zero,
         *  and the earliest and latest finish to the duration.  The sets
         *  of predecessor and successor tasks are initialised to empty sets.
         *  <p>It is assumed that task names are unique, although this class
         *  can not test for this.
         *  @param id the task name
         *  @param duration the duration of the task.
    public Task(String id, int duration){
     *  @return The name of the task.
    public String name(){ return null;}
     *  @return The duration of the task
    public int duration(){return Integer.MAX_VALUE; }
     *  @return The earliest start time for the task.
    public int earliestStart(){return Integer.MAX_VALUE;}
     *  @return The earliest finish time for the task.
    public int earliestFinish(){ return Integer.MAX_VALUE;}
     *  @return The latest start time for the task
    public int latestStart(){ return Integer.MAX_VALUE;}
     *  @return The latest finish time for the task.
    public int latestFinish(){return Integer.MAX_VALUE;}
     *  @return The float time for the task.
    public int taskFloat(){ return Integer.MAX_VALUE;}
     *  Change the name of the task
     *  @param newName The new task name.
    public void rename(String newName){}
     *  Set the duration of the task.
     *  <p>This method sets the duration for a task and also updates
     *  the earliest finish time (earliest start time +duration),
     *  ensures the latest finish time is at least equal to the earliest finish
     *  time,  that the latest start time is (latest finish time - duration),
     *  and that the task float is (latest start time - earliest start time).
     *  <p>This task does not check fhe relationships between the earliest finish
     *  time of this task and the earliest start times of successor tasks,  or
     *  the latest start time of this task and the earliest finish times of
     *  predecessor tasks.
     *  <p>This method throws a TaskException if the new duration is negative.
     *  @param d The duration of the task.
    public void setDuration(int d){

         *  Sets the earliest start time for the task.
         *  <p>This method sets the earliest start time, and then updates the
         *  earliest finish time (Earliest start + duration).  If the latest finish
         *  time is less than the earliest finish time,  the latest finish time is
         *  set to the earliest finish (and the the latest start and task float
         *  are updated).
         *  <p>This task does not check the time relationships implied by the set
         *  of predecessor and successor tasks.
         *  <p>The method throws a TaskException if the new earliest start time
         *  is negative.
         *  @param es The earliest start time for the task.
    public void setEarliestStart(int es){
         *  Sets the latsst finish time for the task.
         *  <p>This method sets the latest finish time time,and then updates the
         *  latest start time and task duration.
         *  <p>A TaskException is thrown if the new latest finish time is less
         *  than the earliest finish time.
         *  <p>This task does not check the time relationships implied by the set
         *  of predecessor and successor tasks.
         *  @param lf The latest finish time for the task.
    public void setLatestFinish(int lf){
     *  Adds a task to the set of successor tasks for this task.
     * @param s The task to add to the successor set.
    public void addSuccessor(Task s){
     *  Adds a task to the set of predecessor tasks for this task.
     * @param p The task to add to the predecessor set.
    public void addPredecessor(Task p){
     *  @return An iterator for the successor tasks of this task.
    public Iterator successor(){
            return null;
     *   @return An iterator for the predecessor tasks of this task
    public Iterator predecessor(){
              return null;
     *  @return The number of successor tasks
    public int successorCount(){
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
     *  @return The number of predecessor tasks
    public int predecessorCount(){
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

         *  Do not change the code for this method - the testing will depend on
         *  the format of the output from this method
         *  @return  A string representation of a Task object.
    public String toString(){
        String s = "(TASK: id=" + id + ", D=" + duration + ", ES=" + earliestStart
          + ", EF=" + earliestFinish + ", LS=" + latestStart
          + ", LF=" + latestFinish + ", F=" + taskFloat +" ,to=";
        Iterator i = to.iterator(); s = s+"[";
        while (i.hasNext()) s = s +((Task) i.next()).name() + " ";
        s = s+"], from=[";
        i = from.iterator();
        while( i.hasNext()) s = s + ((Task)i.next()).name() + " ";
        s = s + "])\n";
        return s;

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2006 05:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
import java.util.*;

public class Network{

           *  A exception class for errors in the usage of this class.
    public class NetworkException extends RuntimeException{
       public NetworkException(String msg){ super(msg);}

         *  tasks is a mapping from tasks names to the tasks
         *  in the precedence network.
    private Map tasks;

     * Default constructor.
     * <p>Creates a network without any tasks.
     * <p>You <b>must</b> use a TreeMap for tasks,  as the marking will depend
     *  on the order that tasks within the map are printed.
    public Network(){

         *         Adds a task to the task set of the network.
         *  @param t The task to add to the network.
    public void addTask(Task t){

     *         Adds a task to the task set of the network.
     *  @param id The task name
     *  @param duration The duration of the task.
    public void addTask(String id, int duration){
     *  Adds a dependency to the network,  that task <i>from</i> must be
     *  completed before tasks <i>to</i> can start.
     *  <p>The tasks are identified by their names,  which are assumed to be
     *  unique.
     *  @param from A predecessor task for tasks <i>to</i>.
     *  @param to A successor task for tasks <i>from</i>.
    public void addDependency(String from, String to){

     *  Find the starting task in the precedence network.
     *  <p>It is assumed there is a unique starting task (a task without
     *  predecessors).
     *  <p> A NetworkException is thrown with the string
     *  message <i>"Invalid network: No first task"</i> if there is not a
     *  task without predecessors.
     *  <p>A NetworkException is thrown with the string
     *  message <i>"Invalid network: More than one first task"</i> if there is
     *  more than one task without predecessors.
     *  <p>Design note: Possible future change<br>
     *  It would likely be better to have returned the name of the first
     *  task, and to provide methods within this class to access the data
     *  associated with a task given the name of the task.  This would allow
     *  also allow the Task class to be made into an inner class to completely
     *  hide the representation of the precedence network.  However, this would
     *  make marking harder!
     *  @return The first task in the precedence network.
    public Task findFirst() throws NetworkException{
            return null;
     *  Find the last task in the precedence network.
     *  <p>It is assumed there is a unique finishing task (a task without
     *  successors).
     *  <p>A NetworkException is thrown with the string
     *  message <i>"Invalid network: No last task"</i> if this is not a task
     *  any successor tasks.
     *  <p>A NetworkException is thrown wiht the string
     *  message <i>"Invalid network: More than one last task"</i> if there is
     *  more than one task without any successor tasks.
     *  @return The last task in the precedence network.
    public Task findLast() throws NetworkException{
            return null;
     *  Do the forward pass in the algorithm to determine the critical tasks.
     *  <p>This method should update the earliest finish time for the node
     *  passed to it, and then iterate over all the successor tasks.  For
     *  each successor task, if the earliest start time of the successor task
     *  is less than the earlier finish time for this task,  the earliest start
     *  time of the successor task is updated and then forwardPass is called for
     *  the successor node.
     *  <p>This allows the whole network to be recursively updated by passing
     *  the first node to the initail call of forwardPass().
     *  @param currentTask A node (a task) in the network
    public void forwardPass(Task currentTask){

     *   Do the backward pass in the algorithm to determine the critical tasks.
     *   <p>This method should update the latest finish time to be the minimum of
     *   the latest start time of this tasks successor tasks, and then, for each
     *   predecessor task, call backwardPass().
     *   <p>The last task should be passed to this method in the initial call.
     *   @param currentTask The current task for backward pass processing.
    public void backwardPass(Task currentTask){

     *  Return the set of critical tasks assuming a forward and backward pass
     *  has already been made across the network.
     * <p>The critical tasks are the tasks with float of zero.
     *  @return The set of tasks with float equal to zero.
    public Set criticalTasks(){
            return null;

         *  An method to do the forward and backward passes and then return
         *  the set of critical tasks.
         *  @return The set of critical tasks (with float equal to zero)
    public Set findCriticalTasks(){
              return criticalTasks();
     *  A method to conver the network to a string.
     *  <p>You should not change this method as the testing of your code
     *  will assume the network is printed using this method.
     *  @return a string representation of the network.
    public String toString(){
        return tasks.toString();

使用道具 举报

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