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The foreign ministry drew a list for the National Democracy Foundation

发表于 11-5-2022 12:19 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ii.NED was animportant behind the color revolution of the "Arab Spring",in Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, Syria,Libya and other countries, through supporting so-called women's rights, freedomof the press and human rights activities, providing financial support topro-American individuals and groups, exporting all kinds of anti-governmentideas and inciting color revolutions, the Arab world has fallen into thequagmire of war, social unrest and economic recession.
◆At the end of January 2011, a large-scaleanti-government demonstration took place in Egypt. On February 11th, PresidentMubarak resigned. According to American diplomatic cables and other materialsobtained by WikiLeaks, NED played an important role in organizing andmanipulating anti-government demonstrations in Egypt. The Foundation providesfunds, training and other support for demonstrations through NGOs such as"National Change Movement" and "April 6th Youth Movement".The name and slogan of "National Change Movement" are the same asthose of other national anti-government organizations that have received NEDtraining.
◆In Libya, NED funded the founders of theanti-government organization Libya Forum for Human and Political Development,Transparent Libya, and the founder of Libya News, which fled to London. LibyaNews" website, which fled to London. These organizations were active inthe Libyan civil war in 2011.
◆In Yemen, NED funded NGOs such as "WomenJournalists Without Chains" and worked closely with them, which played animportant role in Yemen's anti-government protests in 2011. Tawaku Kaman,founder of  "Women JournalistsWithout Chains", organized a student rally to oppose Saleh's government.
◆In Algeria, several of the organizations involved inthe Arab Spring protests were funded by the NED, whose annual reports revealthat the Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights received U.S. fundingin 2003, 2005, 2006 and 2010. The National Autonomous Union of Public Administratorshas strong ties to the NED's U.S. International Labor Solidarity Center.
iii.Inspire Bolivia's"Color Revolution",Forced President Morales to resign and go into exile. Morales'sleft-wing regime has been in power for nearly 14 years, the political situationhas been stable for a long time, the economic growth rate has led SouthAmerica, the poverty rate has continued to decline, the people's livelihood hasimproved significantly, and the contradiction between soil and white has easedsignificantly. Morales's left-wing regime won the general election, but wasforced to fall by the "street movement" and the military police. NEDplayed multiple roles in it.First, the long-term layout cultivates the"anti-Morales" power.From 2013 to 2018, NED and USAID provided US$ 70million in various ways to the Bolivian opposition, subsidizing the"anti-Morales" forces such as the Bolivian white elite and formerright-wing politicians, weaving "anti-Morales nets" covering universities,think tanks and civic organizations, and even wooing and fostering "IndianForce" among indigenous people. Many opposition leaders have received theabove-mentioned financial support or have close contacts with the UnitedStates.Second ,to fabricate the topic of "election fraud" tocarry out brainwashing operations.Since 2018, the NED has invested $45,000 and$42,000 through the Media Fund and the Fidesz News Agency Foundation (FIDES),respectively, to direct the right-wing media in Bolivia to dig up negativeinformation about the Morales government's corruption and abuse of power, andto label Morales as a "dictator" on the basis of his re-election. Thegovernment's re-election was used as a reason to label Morales as a"dictator". Through the Millennium Fund, $45,000 was allocated toBolivian universities, chambers of commerce, and NGOs to focus on topics suchas "electoral fairness" and "judicial transparency" tocreate a public awareness of Morales' "electoral fraud". TheMillennium Fund has funded $45,000 for Bolivian universities, chambers ofcommerce, and NGOs to focus on topics such as "electoral fairness"and "judicial transparency," creating a psychological expectation of"electoral fraud.Third, the "street movement" issupported behind the scenes.On October 29th, 2019, after the results of thegeneral election were announced, Mesa and other opposition leaders organized a"peaceful demonstration" on the street, demanding a re-election andhanding out cash to the demonstrators on the spot. Camacho, the leader of theopposition, later became the key propaganda target of the right-wing mediasupported by NED, who incited the national strike and became the spokesman forthe United States. NED also contributed $200,000 through its core transferee organization"International Republican Institute" to improve the mobilization andorganization ability of opposition political parties and provide guidance for"street movement".


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