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平台計劃 呈獻 Presented by Pentas Project Theatre Production
平台讀劇二號作品 Pentas Staged Reading 2
阿Q外傳 The Other Story of Ah-Q
⽇本劇作家宮本研 Ken Miyamoto 的作品
The Japanese playwright, Ken Miyamoto’s work
( In Mandarin with English surtitles )
刺破自以為革命家的熱血與淡漠,剁碎螻蟻百姓的末善末惡, 人生或可憎或可笑或可憐或可嘆,從來都是出自那一片不曾絕望的期盼。
劇情簡介 :
導演 Director : 羅國文 Loh Kok Man
演員 Casts :
余秋萍 Tammy Yee、
李奕翰 Lee Yee Han、
何文翰 Ho Mun Hann、
吳欣諭 Koh Xin Yu 、
洪梓宗 Ang Chee Chong、
李偉仲 Lee Woei Zhong、
黃永益 John Wong
音樂設計與特別演出嘉賓 Music Design & Special Performing Guest Artist:余家和 Yii Kah Hoe
策展人 Curators : 羅國文 Loh Kok Man & 黃永益 John Wong
製作人 Producer : 林偉彬 Pam Lim
劇本翻譯 Translated by: 山崎理惠子 E-Run、林孟寰 Lim Meng-huan、吳明倫 Wu Ming-Lun
Staged reading - a traditional preparation for the stage.
Staged reading - also a show where incompleteness meets imagination.
Challenging incomplete stage/costumes/set, imaginatively,
7 actors perform 20 roles - barefaced for the audience.
“The Other Story of Ah-Q” is inspired by Lu Xun’s classical short story collection, “Call to Arms” and is based on “The Story of Ah-Q”.
It all starts with Ah Q, and it all ends with Ah Q. A failed hero - a revolutionary thief; life-saving medicine - a killing knife.Triggering Ah Q’s self-mockery and inferiority, dissecting a feudal decay fighting its dying moments.Bursting the self-proclaimed revolutionary’s passion or apathy, mincing the commoner’s good and evil.Life’s loathings, ridicules, pities, laments, which have always come from a never despairing expectation.
Synopsis :
Ken Miyamoto - born during World War II and having spent his youth in Beijing - deconstructed and reconstructed Lu Xun’s beliefs to write “The Other Story of Ah Q” in the late sixties using his expert style of depicting revolutions and social relationships. He gathered many of Lu Xun’s classic characters to dialogue on stage, sharing the space with Lu Xun and the tumultuous times they belonged to. Through these characters of different statuses, the story examined what a social revolution could bring: the dilemmas, the rage, the grief. “To the people, what exactly is a revolution? To the revolution, what exactly are the people?” Must one fail to become a hero? Can medicine save, and yet borrow a knife to kill?
5 & 6 December 2020
Online streaming on Cloud Theatre
5 December 2020 @ 8:00pm
6 December 2020 @ 3:00pm
票價 Ticket : RM23 Cloud Theatre
訂購專線 Ticket Inquiry : 010-2195874 (https://pentasproject.blogspot.com), Cloud Theatre (www.cloudtheatres.com)
Facebook Pages : Pentas Project Theatre Production
中文文案 Chinese Copywriting : 李紅蓮 Lee Hoong Lian
英文文案翻譯 English Copywriting : 黃建勝 Jason Ng
平面設計 Graphic Design : 藍氏君 Tsuji Lam
宣傳 Publicity : 譚小虹 Tammi Tam, 文競傑 Mun Jing Kit
In collaboration with : ASIA CENTER, Japan Foundation
Supported by: Purple Cane and Cloud Theatre