早前索尼在Youtube的PlayStation官方频道发出了关于《最后生还者:第二部》(The Last of Us: Part II)的预告片,在预告片里面给了我们很多的暗示,其中前作主角Joel(乔尔)将何去何从最受玩家们的关注,在预告片中,Joel始终没有以正面面对玩家,因此有些玩家推测预告片中的Joel很有可能只是Ellie的幻想出来的。当然究竟是怎么样还只能等下一个预告片出来之后才可能有答案。
据官方透露,艾莉将会是玩家操控的对象。本作故事发生在前作的几年后,Ellie(艾莉)已经19岁了。如果说之前的故事讲述了“爱”,那么这部当中的故事将讲述“恨”。起名为“The Last of Us: Part II”寓意这部作品与前作一起构成一个更大的故事。目前《最后生还:第二部》的消息甚少,但是依旧抵挡不住玩家的热情,近日就有玩家发现一些蛛丝马迹,本续作背景或被设定在美国西雅图。目前顽皮狗工作室还没有完全投入该作的制作当中。
索尼互動娛樂(SIE)在法國巴黎舉辦的 PlayStation 巴黎遊戲週媒體發表會「PGW 2017 PlayStation Media Showcase」中釋出 PS4 獨佔遊戲《最後生還者 二部曲(暫譯,The Last of Us Part 2)》最新 PGW 2017 宣傳影片。驚險刺激,血脈賁張的新影片帶來了全新的角色,以及和神秘組織的對峙,並在影片尾聲現身了菌屍襲擊眾人。
本作此前在巴黎游戏周上公布了一段全新预告片,其中有很多新演员加入:Ian Alexander 扮演 Lev ,Victoria Grace 扮演 Yara ,Laura Bailey 扮演被吊起的神秘女子。前两人是首次为电子游戏进行动作捕捉和表演,他们扮演的 Lev 和 Yara 是姐弟,游戏中两位角色的模型是结合了这两人特点的混合体。Yara 16岁,Lev 13岁,编剧表示 Yara 的背景非常复杂。
Neil Druckmann 提到,游戏中会有轻松的时刻,但故事是关于“寻求正义的感受”和黑与白之间的“灰色地带”。他还说游戏中没有人真正了解什么样的组织是好的或是坏的,并证实了本作的很大一部分内容是在西雅图发生的。他表示目前已经有很多关卡做完了,游戏的开发进度大概是50%到60%,随后又表示自己并不是完全清楚这事。
中文名称:末日余生 2、最后生还者 2、美国末日 2
开发厂商:Naughty Dog 顽皮狗
《最后生还者:第二部》(The Last of Us: Part II)是由著名工作室顽皮狗第二团队秘密开发两年的作品《最后生还者》(The Last of Us)的正统续作,讲述了主角Ellie(艾莉)前去寻找并且剿灭前作中的武装反抗组织火萤中的故事。2017年获英国金摇杆奖最受期待游戏奖 。2017年12月,获得TGA2017最受期待游戏。
Sony Interactive Entertainment and Naughty Dog debuted an 11-minute gameplay reveal trailer for The Last of Us Part II during its E3 2018 press conference.
Here are the latest details on the game, via The Last of Us Part II director Neil Druckmann on the PlayStation Blog:
In The Last of Us Part II, Ellie is now 19 and has found a semblance of peace and normality living in Jackson. She’s had a chance to be a teenager and forge lasting relationships. When that peace is disrupted by a violent act, Ellie is thrust into a brutal journey of retribution, fueled by a need to bring those that have wronged her to justice, pushing her to her very limits.
From the way Ellie plays to the way she navigates through this hostile world, you’re going to feel her physical, emotional, and mental state expressed through every facet of gameplay. We’ve completely overhauled our engine, developed new combat mechanics, created a new analog stealth system, and revamped our animation system to fully express Ellie’s desperation, resourcefulness, and unique agility.
We’re also upping the stakes and tension of the world. Our environments are broader, more complex, and more detailed–bringing unprecedented realism, verticality, and player choice to the world of The Last of Us. The human enemies you’ll encounter are now more threatening and capable, using sophisticated communication and environmental awareness to create intense, more dynamic stealth and head-on combat encounters.
All of this is underscored by the characters that surround Ellie and their shared experience. The Last of Us Part II features new and returning characters (including that gruff Texan who’s yet to make his full appearance), brought to life by our latest performance capture techniques and our exceptional cast. This week at E3, Ellie, played by Ashley Johnson, is joined by two new characters: Dina, played by Shannon Woodward, and Jesse, played by Stephen Chang.
The Last of Us Part II will be released for PlayStation 4.
《最后生还者 二部曲》角色新截图公布
在索尼的E3展前发布会上《最后生还者 二部曲(The Last of Us: Part Ⅱ)》公布了新演示.今日顽皮狗工作室分享了《最后生还者 二部曲》全新角色截图,为我们带来了在新预告片中出现的三名角色艾莉、蒂娜以及杰西。