http://www.saveyourheritage.com/ ... racial_marriage.htm
In 1607 the Virginia Company of London sent three ships to the New World with 104 men and boys on board. No women. After a very long voyage, 103 made it alive on May 14 to what we now call the Jamestown Settlement. It wasn't for another year that women were brought to the settlement, and only then in small numbers. It would take several more years before women were brought over in large numbers.
The winter of 1609-1610 became known as the starving time at Jamestown. Only 60 out of 214 colonists survived. The colony was going to be abandoned when three supply ships arrived. The rest is history. But not quite.
Obviously, hearing about the difficulties in Jamestown, the Virginia Company was having problems finding people willing to colonize the New World. Before leaving England in April of 1609, William Symonds preached a sermon of encouragement to the departing colonists (of course, most of them would die that winter.) His sermon was intended for a much wider audience though. The hope was to encourage more people to travel to the promised land, the New World.
William Symonds preached from Genesis 12:1-3 where Abraham is called by God to leave his country, family and home. God promises to make a great nation out of Abraham. God promises to bless him and God promises that Abraham will be a blessing.
Symonds tells the colonists that they are not to intermarry with the "heathen" and "barbarians" that they will find in the New World
Symonds tells them that they are "God's chosen" and they are not to mix God's chosen with others
Symonds warns the colonists that "the breaking of this rule may break the neck of all good success of this voyage."
He tells them not to treat the heathen in a cruel manner like the papist Spanish have done, but do not intermarry with them.
Strong words for people who are just going on an economic adventure! Robert S. Tilton in his book "Pocahontas" says that this "fear" of unnatural mixing was "a constant feature of colonial and early American thought." We say that it wasn't fear but a powerful belief that they were the Chosen people of God and had to follow His law, not their sinful nature.
As a matter of fact, John Rolfe, when he married Pocahontas, agonized over breaking this very law but did it anyway. Because even though he did, even John Rolfe knew that he was a part of God's Chosen people. He said that they were "a peculiar people marked and chosen by the finger of God" to possess the land. He even went so far as to say that if the natives were uncooperative in allowing their settlement the biblical analogy justified war! ("The Best and Worst Country in the World" by Stephen Adams, p. 123)
Symonds echoed this belief. In answering objections to taking Indian land he pointed out that in the Bible God's Chosen people were "holy conquerors" who made offensive war." (ibid, p. 123)
Robert Johnson agreed with this sentiment. He also knew that they were God's Chosen people. Daniel Price did as well. There are probably others.
Yes, Virginia was founded as an economic enterprise. But it was founded by Godly men, leaders, who knew they were God's chosen people and taught it to their people.
The ratio of men to women in Virginia was so unbalanced that you would think men would be running into the woods to find themselves an Indian wife. This was not the case. Except for the glaring exception of John Rolfe (who agonized over marrying a "heathen") and Pocahontas, the White colonists stayed true to their heritage and stayed a nation apart, just like they were taught. Robert Beverley in "History of the Present State of Virginia" (1705) even lamented this fact. He said that the Indians wanted to intermarry with the Whites. And he claimed that if this did take place maybe they wouldn't shed so much White blood and would be converted quicker. But the Whites just wouldn't marry the Indians.
And interestingly, John Rolfe and Pocahontas only had one child. They went to England and were set to return to America and encourage others when Pocahontas was struck with pneumonia and died.
God will not be mocked.
Of course, some intermarriage was taking place because by 1691 because a law was passed forbidding such practice, which we'll get to next. But for the most part God's Chosen people in Virginia stayed separate for generations after landing on the shores of the New World.
What is the inevitable outcome of race mixing?
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, political, cultural or national group.
Miscegenation destroys both races involved
Miscegenation destroys both cultures involved
Miscegenation destroys both nations involved
Miscegenation destroys what God has created
Be Respectful, Be Polite, Be Christian at all times
Remember -- Truth is not Racist, Facts are not Hate!
Act accordingly
因 他 們 為 自 己 和 兒 子 、 娶 了 外 邦 女 子 為 妻 、 以 致 聖 潔 的 種 類 和 遊url=home.php?mod=space&uid=1968553]@[/url] 些 國 的 民 混 雜 . 而 且 首 領 和 官 長 、 在 這 事 上 為 罪 魁 。。。。。。。。我 們 的 神 阿 、 既 是 如 此 、 我 們 還 有 甚 麼 話 可 說 呢 . 因 為 我 們 已 經 離 棄 你 的 命 令 。。。。。。。。。所 以 不 可 將 你 們 的 女 兒 嫁 他 們 的 兒 子 、 也 不 可 為 你 們 的 兒 子 娶 他 們 的 女 兒 、 永 不 可 求 他 們 的 平 安 、 和 他 們 的 利 益 、 這 樣 你 們 就 可 以 強 盛 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 祭 司 以 斯 拉 站 起 來 、 對 他 們 說 、 你 們 有 罪 了 . 因 你 們 娶 了 外 邦 的 女 子 為 妻 、 增 添 以 色 列 人 的 罪 惡 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
《Ezra 9-10》