请问要在obb购买车票(EuroNight), 出现几个选择。价格都不一样。该怎么选?
简单的问就是: 以下 1) 2) 3) 4) 有什么差别?价格相差很多,当然希望买到最最最便宜的。还有也要包括reservation哦。
1) SparSchiene Schweiz Limited allocation restricted to a specifictrain, no exchange, specific refund terms 2nd class 59.00 EUR 2) EuroNight Globalpreis EuroNight – Your ticket incl. reservation. Validaccording to reservation. 2nd class 78.00 EUR 1st class 206.00 3) EuroNight SparSchiene EuroNight Please consider the tariff notesthat apply in this case. 2nd class 79.00 EUR 4) Standardpreis International/TEE Standard ticket not restricted to aspecific train, full flexibility. 2nd class 89.60 EUR 1st class 151.20 EUR
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