An unimaginable fantasy game which brings you into a brand new 3D actionworld designed to have the best stunning PvP arena andPvE experience. The free to play gamefeatures rich storytelling, adventurous dungeon maps and 9 uniquely designedweapon classes. Blade 9 MYSG will launch non-wipe CBT thiscoming August 30,2013 GMT +8 17:00 and youwill be able to receive free giveaway items. The 9"Ruin Weapons" is the unique feature in Blade9, legend says that these are weapons from Gods, and the ownersof these weapons will obtain immeasurable strength and power so everyone islonging for them. A thousand years ago, the 9 "Ruin Weapons" weregathered for the first time to save the land from the "Tyrant of theVoid", and after then they all disappeared. Now, the land has beenseparated by many kingdoms and forces. The lord of Middle State now hopes tofind and become the owner of a "Ruin Weapon", then he plan to conquerand rule the entire land...The world is unstable again…
Game Control Blade 9 consists ofthe finest controlling system which provides a freedom of flexibilities.Players will be able to switch controls in between the Mouse control (leftclick to move or right click to rotate) and the Keyboard control (W,S,A,D tomove or “Q, E” to rotate). Game System <Blade 9> game play is designed to have the perfect gaming systemwhich automatically inherits chat channels, friend list functions, partyfunctions, storage functions and manymore. The game also consists of rankingsystem, autobot system, title system, faction system and guild system toenhance the gameplay into a different reality.
The Core of gameplay 1. Infinitevariations – The unlimited boundaries between classes will allow players havethe fullest freedom to enhance their characters in many different ways. There are 2 different character configurations toallow users to interchange in between freely. With just a single button,players will be able to switch equipped gears and skills within battles. Hence,it accelerates the dynamic challenge of the gameplay.
2. IntensiveWeaponry – With the new dual configuration systems, players will be able tounleash devastating skill effects with a subsidiary weapon. Once the playershad performed the binding “weapon soul” spell, they would acquire soul chargeswhich will explode an enormous amount of damage at the end of its limit to killfoes in sight.
3. Mountadaptability – Players will be able to ride mount and boost their travelingspeed. The unique features of mount will allow users to ride across differentterritories and regions, even in the deepest aquatic districts in the game.
4. PhysicalInheritance capabilities – The introduction to “Merge Stone” allows users toinherit their precious characteristics and personal attributes from theoriginal equipment. Thus, allowing them to build up their own outstandingversions of characters.
5. ImmenseDungeon Explorations - Dungeon exploration is also one of the main features ofthe game. Players will be able toexperience different types of difficulties and hardships as they fight for thehighest rank in the game.
6. ComprehensivePVP system – Last but not least, a new elaborated version of battlefield whereplayers have to participate in as 3 different faction forces. Therepresentation of their own fraction will be gathered together as a major powerand will strike the opposition forces. Lots of attractive rewards will be wonby the force who secures the highest requirement of all. Grab your weapon and face the fiery battle now.Your trial to be the best has begun. Don’t forget to redeem your freebies inour giveaway events!!! For more information, please visit our official website. Official website :
本帖最后由 feipogamer 于 28-8-2013 02:18 PM 编辑