At/on/in (time)
At for the timeof the day 在幾時 (表示時間) E.g. at 5 0’clock at 11.00 at midnight at lunchtime at sunset at the weekend at Christmas at the same time at the moment
On for days and dates 在那一天 (表示日子、日期、星期) E.g. on Friday on 5 May 2013 on Christmas Day on my birthday
In for longer periods (E.g., years/months/seasons) 在一段時間內 (表示在…期間) E.g. in October in 2012 in the 18thcentury in the past in the future in the summer
我每次都把At/On/In 搞亂 結果我就靠我自創的記憶方法硬硬記起來罷了 At 就是 time On 就是 days and date In 就是 years, months, seasons Years, Months, Seasons 加 in 再取之諧音就是 * Yin 贏
Min 民 Xin 心 可是還是不怎麼熟悉,有誰可以提供更好的方法幫我認清這三重關係到底是怎樣的?
本帖最后由 旻小子 于 24-5-2013 09:40 PM 编辑