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音乐剧《喝彩》"Shooting Star- The Musical"
2013年「E House Theatre Production 」破天荒邀請香港著名劇團,《我和 春天有個約會》的制作劇團「春天實驗劇團」,香港著名導演高志森先生執 導,把意義非凡的音樂劇《喝彩》於2013年1月16至18日带进马来西亚。
Organized by “E House Theatre & Production”, performed by “The Spring-Time Group” (TSTG) from Hong Kong, co-organized by “The Theatre Farmers” from Macau, the musical “Shooting Star” will be meeting us from 16th to 18th January 2013, at Pentas 1, Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, for a total of 3 shows.
音樂劇《喝彩》描述三位才华横溢的少年人Leslie(黄 嘉威饰)、Paul(陳冠中饰)和 Danny(李俊傑饰)为 多年好友, Leslie、Danny和Paul各 自為理想而努力、而凋零的故事。Danny具有音樂 天賦,剛出道就成為甚受歡迎的創作歌手;Leslie最 早備受冷眼、但最終成為萬千歌迷愛戴的明星;Paul則 誤打誤撞成為DJ。然而就在事業高峰時,麻煩接踵而 至 .....
Paul因 投機取巧終致賭債累累,Danny苦無作曲靈感竟沉 迷“藥物”,Leslie則患上了抑鬱症。
故 事透過三位主角的自身遭遇帶出現今青少年面對情緒、濫藥等問題。題材勵志,帶出青年人碰上逆境和困難時要有 勇於面對的精神, 特別一提是全劇貫穿40多首張國榮及陳百強的經典金曲,與觀眾一同回味香港樂壇 光輝精彩的年代。
“Shooting Star” is an inspirational musical, specially existed as a sign of remembrance for Leslie Cheung and Danny Chan. The actors of this musical will be performing more than 40 pieces of Leslie’s and Danny’s epic songs, bringing their fans back to the good old times. Leslie (played by Wong Ka Wai), Danny (played by Jacky Li) and Paul (played by Chan Kun Chung) were best friends since they were young. They strived for their dreams and future together and encouraged each other all the while. Danny was good in music and has already gained fame as a singer/songwriter not long after his first appearance. Paul was smart and he became a disc jockey (DJ) unintentionally. Leslie, who has true passion in singing, was getting cold shoulders all the time. However, with his perseverance and strong will, he finally became a famous singer, loved by millions of fans. However, at the top height of their respective career, these three friends realized that problems had arrived, tailing fame stealthily. Paul was addicted to gambling. The debt resulted from his unsuccessful craft could have cost him an arm and a leg. On the other hand, Danny, who ran out of afflatus in song writing, seeks help from illegal drugs while Leslie found out that he was already dealing with depression before he even knew it. Through the story of the 3 friends, we hope that teenagers nowadays will be inspired to be courageous and positive while facing with obstacles.
馬來西亞「E House Theatre Production」
支持單位:ZECK學堂 , Old China Café
特別贊助 : 施恩愛基金會
指定電台:Melody FM
媒體合作伙伴 : NTV7 , 嗨搜影
演出地点 Performance Place :
Pentas 1, Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLpac)
日期&时间 Date and Time:
16/1/2013 (8pm)
17/1/2013 (8pm)
18/1/2013 (8pm)
票价 Ticket Price:
RM48; RM68; RM138
開票日期 : 2012/11/01
節目查詢電話 Inquiry Hotline:
購票地點及熱線walk-in / Call In :
klpac Box office 03-4047 9000
TAS @ Lot 10 Box office 03-2142 2009 / 2143 2009
Performing Arts Centre of Penang Box Office 04-899 2722
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