Step 1:
Choose the right icon registration. STEP 2:
Agreement. Just check the 2 boxes and proceed. STEP 3: This requires a real kssn belonging to an Adult! You can USE GOOGLE to help you locate one.
ERROR: If you get a "Name Check" error, then it means the name and KSSN you're using does not correspond with each other. Find a new one. STEP 4:
This is where the FAKE KSSN comes in. You must use a kssn that is in the year 1996 or above.
ERROR: If you get a "Name Check" error, then it means the name you're using is not valid. Use a different name.
STEP 5: For the ZIPCODE, use "서면" for the search, then choose an address and copy and paste it to the second box.
STEP 6: If you get this page, then you're all set to go.