Orientation 前奏
Morrie 被判了死刑。他患上了ALS,一种神经系统的不治之症。这种病会从下体慢慢侵蚀你的身体。一开始不能驾车,不能走路,慢慢到不能控制自己的手,什么事情都得要人家帮忙才可以。当初他知道了事实后,从医院走出来,发觉这个世界竟然没有停止下来,反而如常的进行。这个时候,作者发挥了他的写作功力:
My old professor, meanwhile, was stunned by the normalcy of the day around him. Shouldn’t the world stop? Don’t they know what has happened to me?
But the world did not stop, it took no notice at all, and as Morrie pulled weakly on the car door, he felt as if he were dropping into a hole Now what? He thought.
作者Mitch通过电视节目知道了他的病情,回去探望他。他把车家到Morrie 家前面,Morrie看到了他,微笑着等着他过去。他没有立刻过去。
For all the time we’d spent together, for all the kindness and patience Morrie hadshown me when I was young, I should have dropped the phone and jumped from thecar, run and held him and kissed him hello.
I had told him I was searching for my keys, that’s what had taken me so long in the car, and I squeezed him tighter, as if I could crush my little lie.
过后,就开始了作者一生中最宝贵的14堂课。 本帖最后由 nikuang04 于 11-6-2013 07:40 PM 编辑