This is an exciting time for investor to buy franchise slot in DeJEDS bistro restaurant! In the new year of 2009, economic down and recession start. This occur many business opportunity in the market. DeJEDS bistro make thing happen!
Be an Investor ( Mind Your Own Business )
Invest as low as Rm7xxx as Franchise Holder of DeJeds Bistro Restaurant and will get 21% ROI (return in investment) in 3 years
Earn Passive Income ( extra income) without doing anything and just invest to trust the company.
It’s work better than Insurans or Unit Trust.
Are this business have commitment?
Yes, This is legal business with Franchise Holder Agreement to be sign.
This sounds great! How can I get started?
Contact Travis Wong at traviswong927@gmail.com .
Cheer ~
Travis Wong
Business Developer Marketer
www.dejedsbistro.webs.com |