让坐在观众席的我们知道了我们不知道……" - the weary soul was moved onto the stage, they who live on stage didn't realize,
only we, who sit amongst the audience know...
Performance Information 演出资讯
The Play's name: 剧名:The Unbearable Sweetness of Being 《擱淺的玫瑰花旁邊有一只燕尾蝶》
Type: 演出类型:Experimental Theatre 现象视觉心灵剧场新类型
Performance time & date: 演出時間: 2008-7-20(Sun) 3.00pm, 8.00pm
2008-7-25( Fri ) 8.00pm
2008-7-26, 27( Sat, Sun ) 3.00pm, 8.00pm
Venue: 演出地點:Black box Theatre, New Era College, Kajang 加影新纪元黑箱剧场
Language: 语言:None 无
Length: 演出时长:90min
Price: 票价: RM20 (Adult)
RM15 (Student)
Contact No:询问: 014-2207834 /012-2398103 Tammy(秋坪) 012-3256529 Eve(颖慧)
More details or performance film trailer can search our website:
售票处 Ticketing
大將書行旗艦店 Mentor [email=BookStore@Jln]BookStore@Jln[/email] Maharajalela、
成功時代廣場分店Berjaya Times Square、白沙羅分店 The Curve、谷中城分店 The Gardens,
紫藤茶藝總部Purple [email=Cane@Shaw]Cane@Shaw[/email] Parade, 绍氏城坊@Jaln Sultan, 雪兰莪中华大会堂The Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
A 10% discount voucher for Jalan Maharajalela Mentor Bookstores between 20/7 to 31/7 is attached on the ticket
children under the age of 12 are not allowed to enter.12嵗以下者禁止入場
版主:楼主在文案的铺排及照片的插入上出现了小小的问题,我已经从新编辑了。 希望这个星期的演出成功顺利 !
[ 本帖最后由 醉生梦死 于 22-7-2008 11:47 PM 编辑 ] |