


楼主: yen1988


 楼主| 发表于 15-4-2007 11:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 佳唯waiting 于 15-4-2007 01:28 AM 发表
errr my guess is: 只有“1”是second,其他都是seconds,依稀依稀记得好像在那超级热的夏天补习班。。老师是酱讲的 (天气热到人家想睡嘛=3=就没认真听课)为什么呢,就是因为grammar rules说“1”是singular,其 ...

哦,谢谢了。香蕉是外面黄色里面白色,暗喻人外面虽是黄皮肤,内里却崇洋。。。你不算是吧。。。你其码会写会讲华文。。。。对了外国回来的好像叫 ABC....

[ 本帖最后由 yen1988 于 15-4-2007 11:49 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 15-4-2007 05:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yen1988 于 13-4-2007 03:16 PM 发表

酱都给你发觉到。。。。ya...I am 19 years old.I  had mentioned it before that i will sit for the stpm muet.so... you are younger than me... i am old.... actually,I was chinese educated ...

yen yen....then i more older than u loh...
i older than u 1 year....

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 楼主| 发表于 15-4-2007 07:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 tendarkbring 于 15-4-2007 05:56 PM 发表

yen yen....then i more older than u loh...
i older than u 1 year....

Haha...never mind, just one year older than me, 还好还好。。。

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发表于 17-4-2007 08:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yen1988 于 15-4-2007 11:47 AM 发表

哦,谢谢了。香蕉是外面黄色里面白色,暗喻人外面虽是黄皮肤,内里却崇洋。。。你不算是吧。。。你其码会写会讲华文。。。。对了外国回来的好像叫 ABC....

噢噢~ 那我就是neither了~ ABC 是american born chinese不过我是马来西亚人噢~ XD anyway

对了我有一个问题:in / at/ on 的用法
如果说我住在KL是要说:i live in KL 还是 i live at KL 呢?
如果说是住在山里要说:i live on the mountains 还是 i live in the mountains呢??

XD 经常会confused到的问题~

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发表于 17-4-2007 12:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
Please check the following has any gammer mistake?

Subject :  Contribution for KLANG New Branch Opening Ceremony
We are glad to inform you that our new branch in KLANG will be opening soon.

In order to strengthen of enjoyment at our ceremony event, we may distribute some free gift to those attend customers.

Therefore, we hope your esteem company could contribute us 100 cartoons of sweets before our new branch’s opening ceremony.

Last but not lease, your liberal support us will be appreciated and anticipated.


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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2007 02:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 佳唯waiting 于 17-4-2007 08:49 AM 发表

噢噢~ 那我就是neither了~ ABC 是american born chinese不过我是马来西亚人噢~ XD anyway

对了我有一个问题:in / at/ on 的用法
如果说我住在KL是要说:i live in KL 还是 i live at KL 呢?
如果 ...

I live at taman baru.

I live in KL.

I live in Malaysia.

i live on the mountain.才对,在山上。

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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2007 02:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
[quote]原帖由 skyong73 于 17-4-2007 12:24 PM 发表

Subject :  Contribution for KLANG New Branch Opening Ceremony
We are glad to inform you that our new branch in KLANG will be opened soon.

In order to strengthen  enjoyment during our ceremony events, we may distribute some free gifts to those who attends .

Therefore, we hope your esteemed company would contribute 100 cartoons(??没听过) of sweets for us before our new branch opening ceremony.

Last but not least, your liberal support for us will be appreciated and anticipated.

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发表于 17-4-2007 03:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yen1988 于 17-4-2007 02:29 PM 发表
原帖由 skyong73 于 17-4-2007 12:24 PM 发表

Subject :  Contribution for KLANG New Branch Opening Ceremony
We are glad to inform you that our new branch in KLANG will be opened soon.

In o ...

Your are the most nine girl in this world.

Thanks your reply.

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发表于 17-4-2007 05:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
Is me again, 不好意思,太多問題了。
I have another letter want to send, please help to to check on it.

After deeply consideration, I hereby formally informing you that I decided canceling the Service of Contract between your esteem company and myself.

Please be informed that I am not play a joke on your company, this made me change my mind after I had met Ms. Jenna (Personal Assistance).

I believe that many arguments will be arisen if I work with Ms. Jenna. I really can not tolerant and accept her attitude and what his was said.

First, I have confirmed I will be there for signing the Service of Contract on the next day of the interview at 12.45pm. But nobody in the office with switch off the light. Finally, the director noticed me and calls her back. She do not accuse as if it is the right attitude.

Secondly, she said : The Existing General Manager has resigned, his always assign all his job to his subordinate and I can not allow you to assign your entire job to your assistance. I do not allow such things appear in future. And, she also said that those stubborn staffs have all left and implying me that if I can not obey her policy I better no to go for work.

For my knowledge, a manager has to know how to manage and supervise his subordinate, of cause it including assigning job to them.

She is too arrogant as if she is higher that Manager, I can imagine what situation if I work with her.

Hence, I hope you could understand why I want to terminate our service of contract.

I sincerely apologize to you and hope you would accept my apology.

HI, Yen1988 I have use almost 1hour to complete this letter, give me some comment.

[ 本帖最后由 skyong73 于 18-4-2007 08:48 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 18-4-2007 12:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
I am very thankful to you.对吗?


不过“I hereby formally informing ”应该是inform吧?

I decided cancelling 我觉得应该是decide to cancel吧?

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发表于 18-4-2007 08:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 nikuang04 于 18-4-2007 12:41 AM 发表
I am very thankful to you.对吗?


不过“I hereby formally informing ”应该是inform吧?

I decided cancelling 我觉 ...


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发表于 18-4-2007 09:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yen1988 于 17-4-2007 02:29 PM 发表
原帖由 skyong73 于 17-4-2007 12:24 PM 发表

Subject :  Contribution for KLANG New Branch Opening Ceremony
We are glad to inform you that our new branch in KLANG will be opened [will be opening or will be opened?] soon.

In order to strengthen  enjoyment  during our ceremony events, we may distribute some free gifts to those who attends.

In order to tone up the excitement during the ceremony, we have decided to distribute free gifts to the attendees/attenders/attendants.

Therefore, we hope your esteemed company would contribute 100 cartoons(??没听过) of sweets for us before our new branch opening ceremony.

In order to make this excitement happen, we sincerely hope that [your esteemed company] (might want to change that "esteemed company" but i cant think of any good substitution just yet) will kindly contribute 100 cartons (man that's a lot of candies) of sweets (or candies) to our company's new branch opening ceremony!

Last but not least, your liberal support for us will be appreciated and anticipated.

Last but not least, the contribution is optional but we highly anticipate and gladly appreciate your support!

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发表于 18-4-2007 10:06 AM | 显示全部楼层

skykong's letter to cancel the signing of contract

原帖由 skyong73 于 17-4-2007 05:00 PM 发表

首先我只想告诉你说,你还没进别人公司就批评别人的员工,这是极不礼貌的。更别说你的商业信用了。我不清楚你找下一份工作的时候,其他公司会否向这间公司询问你的信用度,但你这种临时逃脱的态度,让我很不能尊重。不过如果你坚持要这么做的话,请你不要在信里写那么多批评人家员工的话。这对那家公司是极度极度极度不尊重的。Begger cannot be chooser, 每一家公司都有如此这般的人,不能忍受的话,你要在哪里上班。

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发表于 18-4-2007 10:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 佳唯waiting 于 18-4-2007 10:06 AM 发表
原帖由 skyong73 于 17-4-2007 05:00 PM 发表

首先我只想告诉你说,你还没进别人公司就批评别人的员工,这是极不礼貌的。更别说你的商业信用了。我不清楚你找下一份工作的时候,其他公司会否向这间公司询问 ...

你有所不知啦,他太过份了, 所以要給他一点教訓。

like you see a movie, inside got bad people, you also hope some one else can lecture them. so, I act this role.

[ 本帖最后由 skyong73 于 18-4-2007 10:43 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 18-4-2007 10:36 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 佳唯waiting 于 18-4-2007 09:43 AM 发表
原帖由 yen1988 于 17-4-2007 02:29 PM 发表
原帖由 skyong73 于 17-4-2007 12:24 PM 发表

Subject :  Contribution for KLANG New Branch Opening Ceremony
We are glad to inform you that our new br ...

waiting, thank you lah.

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发表于 18-4-2007 10:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
如果ms jenna会是你的上司那就算了,如果她是under 你的话,你的ability有待考察。如果是同辈的那就跟她拼过了。

另外就是,把一切先搞清楚再解决你的letter的问题,ms jenna到底是谁的助理啊。还有就是:nobody in the office with switch off the light. Finally, the director noticed me and calls her back. She do not accuse as if it is the right attitude. 是想说什么。。

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发表于 18-4-2007 12:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
我就是不想跟別人拼, so, she is director's personal assistance, I report/under directly to Director and General Manager, I am not under her but I can imagine if we work together will cause many problem.
他一開始就在下馬威。I thing difficult to work.

旧公司又加 salary, so stand the old company....

continua after my luch

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发表于 18-4-2007 01:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
我就是不想跟別人拼, so, she is director's personal assistance, I report/under directly to Director and General Manager, I am not under her but I can imagine if we work together will cause many problem.
他一開始就在下馬威。I thing difficult to work.

旧公司又加 salary, so stand the old company....

continua after my luch

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发表于 18-4-2007 01:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #176 佳唯waiting 的帖子

外就是,把一切先搞清楚再解决你的letter的问题,ms jenna到底是谁的助理啊。还有就是:nobody in the office with switch off the light. Finally, the director noticed me and calls her back. She do not accuse as if it is the right attitude. 是想说什么。。

沒人在office 和 office light 是關的。director 發現了我后才叫他回來。 但他沒有任何歉意好像這样的態度是正碓的。

If I change as follow

Firstly, I have told her that I will be there for signing the Service of Contract at 12.45pm, but she is not in her office while I was there. Subsequently, the director discover me and calls her back for further arrangement, She do not accuse as if it is the right attitude which do not turn up after appointment with someone.

[ 本帖最后由 skyong73 于 18-4-2007 03:51 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 19-4-2007 06:48 PM | 显示全部楼层

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