


楼主: ktbong

(新時代杂谈)第52页 - 人类与银河联邦的和谐关系

发表于 4-4-2011 01:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 RFS 于 4-4-2011 01:02 PM 编辑







2011年6月:地球自转发生剧变,连续几天太阳东升西落看不到了,地球看月亮像一张笑脸一样,几天后又恢复正常。飞机火车导航失灵,飞机掉入大海,甚至有油轮在大海里神秘失踪,关键词:外星生命 非洲 黑雾 宗教。



















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发表于 5-4-2011 12:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Matrix8888 于 5-4-2011 12:47 AM 编辑

【银河联邦】SaLuSa 4月4日信息

Believe us when we tell you that matters are moving along very well, and the work we have put in is beginning to yield results. Whatever happens you will be ready for the end times, and nothing can stop the closing of the cycle of duality. You do not have to go through purgatory to ascend, and clearly your experiences from one soul to another will differ quite considerably. Most of you will ease yourselves into the New Age, and for our part we will make the transition for you as quickly as we can. You are seeing rapid changes in the Middle East, and whilst that is going on the West is also going through a testing time. They will also have to change and much will come about following political reform. In your hearts you know that all future changes must be based upon what is best for all, and that means a structure that is built upon Love and Light. Anything less will not satisfy the people, or lay down the path that will give you a smooth ride to Ascension.


The dark Ones are at last capitulating, realizing that they need a way out of a predicament of their own making. Through our allies that is being offered, and once they are no longer in a position to interfere with progress, we can really become more open in helping you. Making them responsible for their acts against Humanity is not directly our concern, because there is no escape from eventually having to answer to the higher spiritual hierarchy that oversees your evolution. In other words, just like you they will have to experience the effects of their deeds and fully understand the outcome. We can tell you that once you return to the higher dimensions, and know the truth about life and its purpose you are more than eager to atone for your mistakes. We must stress again that there is no punishment as you understand it, and no judgment and the final outcome is in the hands of the soul concerned. The karma resulting from each life time is twofold, and firstly keeps you on the path back to the Light, whilst ensuring that you learn from your mistakes.


The final run in to Ascension is one that gives you so many opportunities to tie up your loose ends, and change your mindset to one that is in alignment with the new vibrations. The old you will largely disappear and a beautiful Being emerges that will be ready to ascend. You have worked hard and came a long way to reach this point, and it will be a most uplifting experience regardless of whatever you go through to get there. The energies around you are ever increasing and bringing you more into the higher vibrations. It brings a calmness and feeling of great expectancy, as you become more sensitive to them and stand tall as a beacon of Light. In doing so you are on your way to the Ascension, having moved up from the lower vibrations. Indeed, you now find that they are coarse and no longer serve your life purpose. Spreading peace and happiness is your aim and you will be successful at doing so.


Without necessarily openly approaching other souls, you will uplift anyone around you and your positive attitude will rub off on others. The word is spreading about Ascension, and you can be one who can gently introduce others to its benefits at the same time pointing out that freewill choice is involved. However, every opportunity will be taken to make the facts known when we can finally walk amongst you. There will eventually be no soul that has not had a chance to learn all about Ascension, and make choice from a well informed position. There are of course those who accept the end time, but believe in a different ending to it, and since you create your own reality they will experience a different path of their choice.



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发表于 5-4-2011 12:48 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Matrix8888 于 5-4-2011 12:50 AM 编辑

Meantime we ask you to keep your focus on your personal goals, and do not be discouraged by the happenings outside of you. Certain events have to be played out, and the physical changes are necessary to assist Mother Earth’s Ascension. You travel together as you have done so for millennia of time, and will do so in the future. The more you can bring the light to Earth, the more you will all be helping to bring the New Earth into being. The old creations of yours are unable to be carried forward, so consequently there is much to do by way of transmutation. Nothing is totally destroyed, but simply changes its form to be used again. Matter is created and re-created over and over again and never wasted. As creators yourselves you will take greater responsibility for your creations, but at the same time you will rise in consciousness and will exercise good sense and wisdom in your work.


You are now at the crossroads, and it is your decision as to which way you go. Either way there is no long term problem, as the cyclic nature of the Universe ensures that another opportunity to choose differently will always come your way. However, the cycles are long by your measure using linear time, and if you but knew you would be more inclined to put the effort in to ascend this time round. We know that some souls are still so mired in the darkness, that they find it hard to comprehend what Ascension means. Sometimes they feel victims of their circumstances not realizing that they create their own experiences. There will come a time when the truth will come to them, and then they will seek a way to change them for the better.


Be assured that your progress is followed, and at the first signs of a desire to move into the Light, help is given to move you in the right direction. No one wishes to see you repeatedly going down a dead end, and having to do it all again. Fortunately most souls evolve over a period of time through the experiences of successive lives, and the guidance given to them. In the present challenging times, progress can be quite rapid because of the continual battle between the dark and Light. There are repeated opportunities to overcome the lower vibrations, and no soul is condemned to stay in them. It is quite the opposite, as The Brotherhood of Light works to help those who are in the lower dimensions, and find the ones who are opening up to the higher truths.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as you enter the most important time for your civilization, we do our best to attract your attention. We want you to recognize the relationship we have with you, which is one that has existed for thousands of years. We Are All One, and are rightly coming together again to celebrate our reunion. We shall go forward with you to the higher realms that are your true home, and await your presence as ascended Beings.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Tree of the Golden Light


使用道具 举报

发表于 8-4-2011 12:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Matrix8888 于 8-4-2011 12:50 AM 编辑

【银河联邦】SaLuSa 4月6日信息

All of a sudden a number of events that you have been anticipating, can be seen by us to be taking place although you are not gifted with knowing the outcome. Yes, you know what is being aimed for but the results we seek can come about in more than one way. So make allowances for changes and know that in the long run everything will work out as planned. The Middle East has been a focal point for many years, and has held the key to your future. It could have easily brought about a situation that would have led to another world war. It has been diverted with our help, by preventing any small confrontation becoming a major war with the use of nuclear weapons. It is because we have the divine authority to intervene in such circumstances, that an escalation has not taken place. Following the coming changes in leadership and governments the whole world will be a safer place, and that will bring our open contact with you a lot nearer.


We are aware of the frustration felt by many of you that matters seem to drag on, but in reality they are moving quite quickly and fulfilling the expectations we have. So to say, you have to put your house in order and show the desire to complete this cycle by achieving Ascension. It really is all that matters and the reason for what you are going through. Mother Earth will of course benefit from your help but could nevertheless make her own way forward if necessary. We foresee a change in many people’s attitudes once they understand the true purpose of life, as hitherto you have been going around with your eyes closed. It has not necessarily been your fault, but you have succumbed to the idea that you are separated from each other and God. Now you are beginning to see how dependent you are on each other, and that your actions affect everyone else. It explains how you are collectively responsible for your reality, and makes you realize that you can also change it.


The Lightworkers lead the way and use their energies to bring more Light to the Earth. Through their ability to keep calm and focus them wherever they are required, they have cleared so much of the lower energies that were clogging the arteries of Mother Earth. The more success they have, the more easily it will become to totally break the hold the dark Ones have had upon you. They have now become more disjointed and even desperate as their power has been seriously weakened, and there is no way back. However care has to be taken, as at such times they become dangerous as they seek some way out of their predicament. We have offered such a solution on many occasions, but it is only now that they see there are not many options left. They must leave their positions of power and in that they have no choice. It is the time for those of the Light to take over, and lead you on the final journey to freedom.


It is a strange situation that you find yourselves in, as you still prepare for your normal day–to-day living yet know that in the not too distant future your lives will change quite considerably. Bear in mind that Ascension is a process that is continually occurring, and does not just stop because of the end times. The biggest changes will be the ones happening to you, and already many of you are registering new levels of consciousness. With such an expansion comes a better realization and understanding of the power of love, and how it can be used for the good of all. To be at peace with yourself and one with the world is something wonderful to aim for and quite achievable.



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发表于 8-4-2011 12:50 AM | 显示全部楼层

The experiences you are carrying forward have not been gained without considerable sacrifices on your part. However that is the reason you came to Earth, and nowhere else would you have progressed so quickly. Duality was the ideal playing field to test your ability to live through the challenges between the Light and dark forces. You have played on both sides to make your experiences complete, and today you are clearing up any remaining karma which is why your present life can be quite demanding. So take the last challenges in your stride, knowing that your karma will be cleared before you rise up into the higher dimensions.


The most wonderful gifts are about to be bestowed upon you, and come with the rising up of your consciousness. In time you will become more psychic and your knowledge will know no bounds. You will travel wherever you desire and become a part of the great family of Space Beings. As a member of the Galactic Federation you can explore the Universe, and serve other people who like you at present are seeking their way home to the higher dimensions. The past and future will have become one, and time will cease to exist as you now understand it. Little will remain that relates to your third dimensional experiences, and life will be so different and enjoyable without the chores that you now endure. Perhaps the most attractive aspect to you at present would be the thought of having a light-body, one that does not age and suffers no ills or diseases. One that you can also change through pure creative thought that allows you to present yourself as you wish.


You may wonder who would knowingly say no to a new life in the higher dimensions. Yet some souls are unsure of themselves and cling to what they know, being reluctant to make a commitment at this time. It comes in part from a lack of understanding, because they cannot perceive what life off Earth can be like. Certainly at times your Earth life has its pleasant experiences, but they pale into insignificance compared to what lays ahead for you. If only you could glimpse it then your worries would seem of so little concern, plus the fact that your future is assured as nothing can change your destiny.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that through various channels you at least have sources of news about Ascension. If left to your media you would hear little or nothing about it, because the dark Ones do not want you to know of the opportunity to leave the cycle of duality. They would rather depict the end as the Armageddon, playing on the death and destruction associated with it. In fact they planned events to coincide with the prophecies, to frighten people into believing in the end of the World. Fear not Dear Ones, as we will ensure that it is as easy as it can be made, and life will continue according to your freewill and well into the future.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Tree of the Golden Light


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发表于 9-4-2011 04:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Matrix8888 于 9-4-2011 04:26 PM 编辑

【银河联邦】SaLuSa 4月8日信息

Do not give up at this late stage on your onward thrust towards Ascension. The chaos has a purpose and is all part of the extensive cleansing that is well in hand. Is it not interesting that out of the attempts of the dark Ones to stall your advancement, they are actually giving the opportunity to do exactly the opposite? They are unwittingly providing the very conditions that call for a thorough cleansing of Earth. Knowing as we do of their plans, we are always looking for ways in which we can turn it to our advantage. Sometimes their actions serve no purpose other than to illustrate that unless their progress is stopped, you are heading for greater calamities. They are a wake-up call to Humanity, to use their power to change the course of their future. If you are in a position to influence what is happening, you are being spurred on to take action. Some of you are here for exactly that purpose, and you will be inspired to use your skills accordingly.


We of the Galactic Federation are here to perform our duties, but they are meant to be in supported and aided by you. It was never intended that we should act as a lone rescue team, but of course we do have our allies who work exceptionally hard to manifest the plan for your Ascension. However, each of you according to your own ability can be part of a greater team of Lightworkers. One important aspect concerns spreading the truth about what is going on, and supporting us where people have been fooled by deliberate attempts to depict us as fearful. Once we can be seen for what we really are, we know our presence will be accepted and a giant step forward will take place. Together we can take on all of the needs of Mankind, to set the scene for the final changes that will be the close of the cycle of duality. Then we can all concentrate on establishing the basis for a new society and civilization, founded on what is best for all.


We feel that a very good job has been done by our friends on Earth, and they have offered another voice of support for us. Many are concerned with pushing forward with disclosure, as continual reports of our sightings occur on a daily basis. It is no longer possible to deny our existence, as the evidence is mounting for it and more of you have had direct contact. This will most likely happen where you have incarnated upon Earth from one of the civilizations directly involved with you. Such souls invariably feel a strong connection with us, and easily accept the role we are playing in your evolution. We are the way forward by your invitation and also the divine edict that calls for the end of duality. So you will see that nothing will prolong the current experiences for much longer, and as the Light descends upon Earth the changes will be accelerated.


The God of All That Is planned your release from duality; from the time you first entered the lower vibrations. Subconsciously you have always known it to be so, and it has helped you to have total faith in the outcome. This subject has since been spoken of quite frequently, and for at least the last century you have had numerous souls from the higher dimensions take on teaching roles for that reason. With the coming of your own Space Age, your minds have expanded to allow for a belief in other life forms beyond your Earth. Also with the knowledge that we are able to travel inter-dimensionally, you have found the answer to those who still believe that we are unable to reach you. NASA has absolute proof of life on some planets in your solar system, but still goes to great lengths to cover it up. Their expeditions to Mars and your Moon revealed so much evidence of previous civilizations, but they hide photographic proof or alter them to keep such secrets to themselves. You have a right to know about such activity, and we will reveal these hidden truths when open contact has been made.



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Follow Us
发表于 9-4-2011 04:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Matrix8888 于 9-4-2011 04:27 PM 编辑

Through various sources and for many years you have been given messages from the Galactic Federation. It has taken a long time for there to be a general acceptance that such contacts are genuine, and through them a whole stream of information has been passed on to you. It has been ignored or brushed aside by those who have other beliefs, who cannot contemplate the fact that some of them have been held in error. However, there is a time coming in the very near future when the truth must be made known. Each of you will then have every opportunity to re-consider your cherished beliefs. There is no forcing of opinions onto any of you, but simply a presentation of what is truth where you and your history are concerned.


Have we not stated that We Are All One, in which event you may accept that at some time it would be quite natural for us to come together. You have been isolated to ensure that no outsiders interfered with you experiences on Earth, that is unless you first invited them. Our offers of help to bring peace to the planet were turned down by your government, in favor of making a pact with the Grey’s in return for advanced technology and bases upon Earth. That was not in your interests, but to build a power base that would enable world domination. Because of the dramatic increase in levels of consciousness, that plan was foiled as the Light has grown exponentially and continues to do so. The lower energies are no longer the power they were, and spell the demise of the dark Ones.


It has never been plain sailing where duality is concerned, but soon you will be in a position to realize that the end is clearly in sight. All of the major changes needed will forge ahead, and the last vestiges of the Illuminati’s control will disappear. So once again we will reiterate that all is well, because your victory is assured. It is a time for celebration because it will be the first time your civilization has won through the challenges presented to it, and brought the Light to Earth. Not only that, but Ascension with Mother Earth is a unique occasion that you are privileged to take part in.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and absolutely admire your dedication to defeating the dark Ones, and your belief in the power of the Light. You will be truly able to say that you took on a powerful dark force, and you won.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Tree of the Golden Light

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发表于 13-4-2011 11:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Matrix8888 于 13-4-2011 11:15 AM 编辑

【银河联邦】SaLuSa 4月11日信息 《你们注定成为伟大的光之存有》

Stick to your principles and follow your intuition, as your beliefs and thoughts are bombarded by so many different sources that claim to know the future. Some are simply misguided but those that seem acceptable are sometimes clever pieces of disinformation. Bear in mind that the dark Ones are well aware of Ascension and the events leading up to it, and they play upon a scenario that largely fits your beliefs. However, they intentionally look to cause confusion in your minds, and once doubt creeps in they have succeeded in their aims. Naturally there are also some sources that are genuine, but have a different idea as to how the end times work. Their approach can be influenced by what they desire to take place, and this is more likely with religious beliefs. If you are satisfied that you have a truthful source you can generally speaking accept what is given to you. However, still question it until you are satisfied that it fits into your mindset and that it is of a positive nature. The truth will normally feel good, whereas dubious statements often make you feel uneasy.


For many years you have been fooled and lied to so that governments could carry out covert actions without your knowledge. The times of automatically believing what you were told have long since passed, but because of the deliberate confusion and fear laden messages you may find it difficult to determine where the truth exists. Again we come back to your intuitive powers and if you rely upon them, by and large you will not go far wrong. Trust has to be earnt, but so few politicians have been consistently honest. But when they are, their words stand out and carry the ring of truth. Because of these problems, it is planned to shake up the whole political establishment and eventually do away with party politics. Too much time is wasted on confrontation and decisions made for political gain, instead of doing what is best for all people. Changes will ensure that only those politicians that sincerely desire to give their time for the betterment of their people, will be appointed to positions within a new government.


The time for reviewing many systems and policies affecting the people will soon arrive, and it is all part of regaining your sovereignty. As a new civilization emerges, it is you who will be treated with respect and your needs placed at the top of the list. Great wealth that is in the hands of so few will be re-distributed so that all share in abundance. The days of the elite are numbered, but they will be treated fairly like every one else. Such changes will pave the way for your eventual Ascension, which will subsequently lead to a time when money will be no longer required. When you can create for yourself all that you need to exist, you will no longer be reliant on others for your welfare. The experiment called duality has pitched you against each other, and being successful in competitive situations has often come down to who has been the most powerful. This will also cease in favor of co-operation and the sharing of all of the new Earth’s treasures. In this respect the Earth will be honored and treated as the wonderful loving host she is to the Beings who travel with her.


Up to now you have been allowed to use Mother Earth for your raw materials, but even so you have destroyed many locations with little thought for the environment. Lessons have since been learnt, and it has to be understood that she is a fully conscious Being that needs your love and full consideration for her well being. The previous lack of understanding has led to Mother Earth having to take her own action to cleanse the Earth, and restore it to its pristine condition. Consequently she rumbles and shakes, with the resultant changes arising from earthquakes and other happenings. We of the Galactic Federation constantly monitor such situations, and we do whatever is allowed to minimize the effects where you are at risk. We work largely unseen, but look forward to the day when we can do so quite openly and often with your co-operation. From a karmic point of view we can only go so far, as it is important that you realize the consequence of your actions. We speak here not just of direct damage, but where it has been triggered by the reaction to negative energies produced by Mankind. These have for example often resulted from wars, and gone deep into the Earth causing disturbances to the balance of natural energies.



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发表于 13-4-2011 11:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
As your consciousness levels rise up, so you will also take a step nearer to understanding how the new you will live in the future. It will be so different and have little resemblance to how you live now. Importantly there will be a better understanding of the creative power around you, and you will harmonise with it. By then you will have learnt how to correctly use such energies, and become an independent Galactic Being. You will also become a Christed Being able to fully express your Love and Light. Be assured that you are destined to be great Beings of Light, and will move nearer to that manifestation as you rise up through the higher dimensions.


We trust that you will understand the need to cut your reliance upon material acquisitions, and know that in time you want for nothing at all by creating for your needs. Humans become very attached to their material belongings but as with the passing of the physical body, you cannot take them with you. Yet in the Astral Realms, you can recreate by thought any item that whilst on Earth was to your personal liking. It follows that after Ascension you will not only be able to create, but have more extended skills than previously. Take for example your delight in dressing up, and know that you can “think” into being whatever you wish and change it as often as you like. What can be created can also be “uncreated” just as easily, so there is no waste. The higher you go, the creations become more perfect and radiate light all around. Color and sound go hand in hand bringing an array of beauty and perfection not found on Earth at present.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and place in your minds concepts and ideas that will prepare you in readiness for Ascension and beyond. We will do more as time moves on and accompany you well beyond it. We Are All One in this great Galactic adventure that is just beginning. God Bless You All.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Tree of the Golden Light

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发表于 14-4-2011 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Matrix8888 于 14-4-2011 11:29 PM 编辑

【银河联邦】SaLuSa 4月13日信息 《你们已经在宇宙中声名远播》

We say again what wonderful souls you all are and admire your dedication to see out the challenges that have been presented to you. Having been separated from your Higher Self by the veil of forgetfulness, you have still found the Light within and proceeded to make your way back to full conscious awareness. It has enabled you to make a giant step forward and prepare yourselves for Ascension. With it also comes the ability to be discerning where any information is concerned, and you will be able to determine the truth from the more dubious messages or outright disinformation. Take what resonates with you, and if you pass over genuine information you may be sure it will come your way again. In actual fact, you already have all knowledge within. It sometimes means setting aside what you have been brought up to believe, to allow an opportunity for the truth to be understood. Better still start your quest for the truth by starting with a clean sheet. This way your Guides will be able to reach you and help point you in the right direction. Be assured that for each soul many Higher Beings are working to enlighten them.


Life need not be complicated, but humans have become egotistical and often self-centered. You cannot progress this way without many battles leading to confrontation, and peaceful relationships are hard to reach. The problem is that each one desires to control the other one, and that is a recipe for dissension. When you have reached the stage of treating others as your equal, and can find love in your heart for them, you can handle such situations with patience, calmness and understanding. It takes time to withstand verbal assaults and attempts to control you, but it is possible to let it pass over your heads without any negative emotional response. In time you will find no problem at all in achieving such a calmness, and it goes hand in hand with being able to treat all with Unconditional Love. First however, you must learn to control your emotions, and know that you do not need to be threatening to make your point. Normally humans act first and think afterwards, and that is often too late to avoid the consequences.


Dear Ones, we know it is easy for us to talk about such subjects as self control, but it is a stage you will achieve as your levels of consciousness rise up. The more Light you absorb the calmer you become and your very presence brings peace to those around you. Imagine the beautiful uplifting energy that forms when many souls of a similar disposition get together. Some of you have experienced it and will know how powerful it is. As the many groups grow in numbers all around the world, they become linked together until a gridwork of Light is formed. With the increase in the amount of energy being sent to Earth, it expands exponentially and rapidly lifts the vibration. It means you already have one foot in the fourth dimension, and are leaving the lower dimension behind. If you are intent upon ascending, you will never have had such a golden opportunity to do so.


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发表于 14-4-2011 11:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
There is hardly a single message about Ascension that does not mention the Love and Light, and it is because it is essential to your success and ability to return to the higher realms. Each soul is of the Light even if it is subdued, and have the potential to express themselves as a great Being of Love and Light. When you look at another person, see beyond their physical self and know that like every other soul they have the godspark within. You are linked to each other and it is true that what you do to one, you do to all. Collectively you are responsible for where you find yourselves today. Through many lives you have envisioned your future and created the path towards it. It has been up to you as to whether it is was hard or easy, but Man has in recent ages been completely engulfed in the dark energies and almost lost touch with the Light. Fortunately it can never be completely extinguished, and has risen up through the darkness to once again show the way. Now it has become the major force upon this planet, and is rapidly breaking up the lower energies that cannot exist side by side with such power. As you are now seeing very clearly the changes are speeding up and sometimes creating chaos, but it will be short lived.


We of the Galactic Federation are doing what we can to bring a peaceful settlement in the Middle East, but the dark energies have been so embedded in that area it is not an easy task even for us. We cannot impose ourselves upon people, but work to bring peace and stability to a situation. If we were invited to participate that would naturally be different, yet in many ways it is far better if you are seen to overcome your own problems. However, we also answer to the God of this Universe, and carry out God’s commands where you are concerned. God has given you freewill and will not interfere with your decisions, unless the outcome goes beyond your Earth and affects other planets and life forms. The completion of the cycle of duality and Ascension is taking place because God has decreed that it is time for the cycle to be closed, and the next phase of your evolution should commence.


We are therefore like you part of the Great Plan that extends to the whole Universe, in which every planet is involved. All is uplifting into the higher vibrations, and it is a magnificent event and occasion for great celebrations. You too shall enjoy it and your little Earth will be the focus of much attention, as you are well known for your wonderful achievements throughout the time you have been on it. You may have been in quarantine but your development and success in overcoming the dark forces, is generally known. Once we have permission to openly land on Earth, you will eventually see representatives of many types of civilizations. Many will be humanoid but there are also others that are quite different, and all originate from the Source of All That Is.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and like my companions are excited that we are so near to meeting you. Yes, it may be some months before we are allowed to make a mass flyover, but contact with you has been going on for many years and will become more open in the immediate future. There are requirements that need to be fulfilled on both sides before it can happen, and there will have to be an agreement as to the right time for disclosure. In making our existence officially recognized, it will allow us to contact you in a more open way. That should lead to our delegations being able to meet with your authorities.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Tree of the Golden Light

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 楼主| 发表于 25-4-2011 10:04 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 26-4-2011 11:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
OMNEC ONEC 金星来的女人(谈转变问题)
ktbong 发表于 25-4-2011 10:04 PM




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发表于 26-4-2011 11:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
Omnec Onec 奧妮克簡介

俄亥俄州新巴黎(New Paris)的奧妮克(Omnec Onec)本身就是外星人。 每天只需2小時睡眠、並具有很多超常能力的她,自稱於246地球年前在金星上一個名為淘特尼(Teutonia)的巿鎮出生, 於1955年“帶著使命”來到地球。 當時沒有身體的她住在一個飛行器上,她進入了一個出車禍後的七歲女孩的身體,這個名叫甚拉(Sheila)的女孩兒的真正靈魂已在車禍中離開。

奧妮克在田納西州的加得奴加被甚拉的祖母帶大,過著貌似正常的生活, 婚後搬到芝加哥,作為三個孩子母親的她為生活做過酒吧招待、服裝設計師和出納員等,直到1990年,她公開了“金星人”身份,成為暢銷書的作者。 現在她致力實現自己最初的“使命”,在歐美各地旅行,向地球人傳達宇宙與精神的信息。

據奧妮克所知,很多星球上都有各種不同的生命,它們都一直在監視著地球,從亞特蘭蒂斯和利莫里亞(傳說沉沒於大西洋中的兩塊陸地)時代就開始了。 地球上不同的種族也與不同星球的生命都有著干係。 奧妮克說,金星上有一套有關神律法的教學叫做Om-Notia Zedia,由掌管生命的神傳下來的,適應於所有宇宙世界。 其中講,人類的靈魂來自數不盡的宇宙生命,這些靈魂被放入人的軀殼中是讓其覺悟其先天的本性。 靈魂可以生活於身體之外,也可以穿越俗世與神界的各種空間。

奧妮克相信輪迴與業力(karma),並認為她出於個人業力的原因來到地球。 她
描述了各種各樣的有關星系和宇宙的問題, 包括一些太陽系行星的自然環境,一些情

但是一些科學家、研究員,包括前美國航空航天局顧問郝蘭德(Richard Hoagland)和前宇航員,都曾公開聲明說一些公開發表的宇宙和行星相片都是被修改過的, 刪除了飛碟和看起來像是外星文明創造的各種各樣的建築結構。 此外,也曾有科學證據表明,在我們所在的物質空間外,還有可能有另外空間的生命

使用道具 举报

发表于 26-4-2011 11:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 RFS 于 26-4-2011 11:52 AM 编辑


使用道具 举报

发表于 26-4-2011 04:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 牛奶桶 于 26-4-2011 04:37 PM 编辑



使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 26-4-2011 04:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
RFS 发表于 26-4-2011 11:47 AM




受访着是位来自金星的女性,名为克里斯提娜,下文以【K】为简称。她在地球上生活时的少女时期先待在西藏与喇嘛共同生活,因为经历过与亚当斯基与曼哲(Howard Menger)等人极为类似的经验,而将其访谈内容刊载于本书中。曼哲夫妇得知此资料内容,即惊奇的表示,他们在1997年受邀至德国演讲时,碰到同样受邀为讲师的克里斯提娜,她是北欧系统的白人,个性神秘但极为健康。


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 26-4-2011 04:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
RFS 发表于 26-4-2011 11:47 AM

金星人克里斯提娜的故事(Part 1)



K:后来我决定去地球。我先来到「列兹」这个小镇,那里是金星上唯一一个第三密度与astral界同时存在的地方。在那里,我把自己的频率由astral体的振动(vibration)调降为可"示现"于第三密度的肉体,之后告别金星的家人,搭乘侦查用的小型UFO(Scout Ship)飞出金星地表,小镇列兹的天空被Doom所覆盖,Doom的周围又被瓦斯与火焰所覆盖,从上空无法看到列兹的街景。

作者注2:曼哲在1950年代后期搭乘UFO前往月球旅行之时,为了让身体适应月球的差异环境,在UFO内以10天的期间接受提升身体振动频率的处理。从较为进化的星球来到地球的灵魂,也必须透过调降振动频率才能投胎转世或换魂。因此,到地球上投胎的许多外星灵魂(ET soul),很难忆起他们的前世,即使碰到前世的同伴或朋友,也大多不易察觉。

金星人克里斯提娜的故事(Part 2)


作者注3:曼哲曾经说明UFO的航行方式。「UFO进行的是时间旅行(time travel)。UFO的振动频率上升,肉眼即无法辨识,这跟电风扇的扇叶高速旋转之后就看不到的道理极为类似」。亚当斯基也曾经以电风扇叶作为例子说明。







金星人克里斯提娜的故事(Part 3)








有关Howard Menger(姑且音译为"曼哲"其妻为Connie Menger)


使用道具 举报

发表于 26-4-2011 04:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
金星人克里斯提娜的故事(Part 1)

K:我在1950年代初期来到地球,来此之前,我在金星的精神指 ...
ktbong 发表于 26-4-2011 04:37 PM

太好了! 等下慢慢看。

使用道具 举报

发表于 26-4-2011 04:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

牛奶桶 发表于 26-4-2011 04:32 PM

也许金星人还没有到能够超脱生死的程度。 不过也比我们的等级高很多很多。

使用道具 举报

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